
  • Ruee Hamster Huey posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    @highscribeofaetherium @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @jonas @calyhuge @beth-torres @grcr @smiley @whalekeeper @loopylin @thearcaneaxiom @savannah_grace2009 @trailblazer @acancello @keilah-h @princesachronicle22 @idk
    I just got a great idea, but I’m not sure if it is so great.
    For once, I am going to mandate you to reply in some form, I have serious doubts about this, so the more feedback, the better. (Don’t worry, I won’t send you to jail if you don’t reply)

    So, all of you, or maybe just most of you know that Alpha Grath is a Lab Child. He was created by order of Grathmere to be Grathmere’s son, and chief warrior. He was made in the likeness of Nahim A. Nayhelm, who was but a small child when the project began. Yet, Alpha is genealogically closest related to Grathmere.
    Because he was a Lab Child, I came up with this in Alpha’s words,
    “When I came out of the Tube, they say I wasn’t breathing. They say that while my heart pumped, my lungs did nothing. They tried to make me breath, but they couldn’t get me too. I was without life, yet with a pumping heart. They say after they gave up, I took in the biggest breath they had ever seen a babe take, and that I became ‘fully alive’ in their words. I’ve wondered my whole life about that breath. I was perfectly fine, nothing was deformed or premature. Why was I not breathing when I came out? And why did I breath so late? I talked it over with Emmie, and she said that she thought that maybe, with me being a Lab Child, that I didn’t have a soul. Maybe I was just a machine made out of flesh and not metal. Maybe I didn’t breathe because I wasn’t a person. Then she said that she thought Ehyeh had given me that breath. That He, in His perfect plans set before the foundation of the Universe, that He wanted me to live, for real. Why? Because I have some destiny He has planned, something He wanted me to do, and no other. I’ve never told you this, Terry, but I do have a middle name. It wasn’t programmed into me before birth like ‘Alpha Grath’ was, but instead given to me by Grathmere after that breath. I am Alpha Elquin Grath. First Breath Grath.”

    So, I’m not sure if this is in anyway biblically okay. Is there anything in the Bible that any of you know of that would say this is impossible?
    The reason I have Alpha’s heart going, but not his breathing is because I was thinking that without the Breath of Life, we can’t breathe. Am I wrong? How am I wrong, if that be the case? Do you like this idea, or is it kinda too weird? Ask any questions, without withhold.

    • I think that is awesome! I don’t have any theological problems with that. I tend to avoid doing robots and stuff, because I don’t believe that such a creation would have a soul, and I would usually rather avoid writing about those topics. I haven’t thought about how that would extend to a human created in a lab. There’s nothing biological about a soul, so humans don’t just get a soul through natural processes. God creates a soul for every person when they are first conceived. So that means God *could* give a soul to anything He wanted, although I don’t think He would. I think an artificially born human could go either way. You could say that since he is a human, he was given a soul just like anyone. Or you can say that he didn’t, since he was created in an unnatural way and requires more direct intervention from God. I don’t have any theological issues dither way, so I would say do whatever is best for Alpha’s story.

      • *either not dither

      • I don’t like to play with sentient and rational robots, honestly those creep me out. The idea of Alpha being originally a a robot made out of flesh came from me just thinking about him. It was really weird, I was talking as Alpha to his best friend Terry and it just spilled out. I was making it up as I went, but it sounded like it was a set piece of history. I thought about it, and I realized that God Breathed into Adam to make him alive, he gave him a soul. I wondered if it is only because of Him that we take in our first breaths as babies. But, then again, I think we have souls in the womb. If we didn’t have souls, then we wouldn’t be human. Idk…I’m kinda ranting, laying my thoughts down and not worrying if I repeat myself or you don’t understand. In all my theory’s of thoughts, I have come to the conclusion that Alpha could go both ways, but I feel like it most likely is that he didn’t have a soul. I cannot tell you why, for I know not.

        Hopefully that makes sense…probably doesn’t knowing me.

    • I haven’t thought about it in depth, but from first glance, I don’t have a problem with it either. I guess it would depend also on how he was created. Did they take human DNA to create him? If that’s the case, then I think he would have a soul just like any other person, because the rest of us are created with human DNA, even though the process of creation is a little different. I think if he has the ability to know right and wrong (or has at least somewhat of a moral compass) then that would mean he has a soul. Although Jonas did point out that souls aren’t biological, so I guess that means he could potentially be a human without a soul? Idk, my brain is starting to hurt from thinking about this, lol. Like I said, I don’t see a problem with it, from what I can see right now. I guess my question would be, was he created from taking the egg and sperm or in a more Frankenstein-like way where the body parts were pasted together? Or with something like a 3D printer that would create a body based off something a computer tells it to?

      • He was made from mixed DNA, to give him the traits Grathmere wanted. I believe most likely, he was made the weird 3D printer way at first, and developed from there.

        He was actually interestingly enough, not made to have any moral compass. He was supposed to be a heartless assassin that did what Grathmere wished. He’d have limited free will, but they didn’t want him to doubt his calling as a killer.

        Idk, I often don’t think much on Alpha’s birth, and he keeps to himself the facts, except that he was a Lab Child.
        Alpha honestly creeps me out sometimes.

    • I think that’s a really good idea. I don’t find any theological issues with it. Er, I don’t really have any other comments ATM 😅

    • @rae

      I like the idea! I think it makes sense that he would be without breath at first, and I think that God could definitely give him a soul if He chose

    • Ooh, ok. So I see where your doubts are coming from. Here’s my opinion…
      I believe that as soon as a baby is conceived in the womb, he (referring to either gender in this case) is a human being with a soul that is loved by God. Obviously he cannot physically breathe yet because he’s only a few cells. But when he is born, God is ultimately the One who gives him life outside the womb, as He does any of us. I also believe that every human has a soul. In this case, Alpha is not quite a human I guess… so yes, God could give him a soul if He wanted to. In short, I think it’s okay to go with your idea, but I would recommend looking into some articles on cloning, because that might give you some more insight. Answers in Genesis is a Christian apologetic ministry and they might have some articles that deal indirectly with this.
      Now another idea is to have Alpha modified by Grathmere instead of simply created by him. Then you know for sure that he has a soul, Grathmere just changed his brain. That sounds kind of creepy, lol, but it’s just another idea. Sort of like Bucky from MCU. You can take it or leave it. Just a thought. 😉
      I can’t think of anything else to add, but I’ll let ya know if I have any other thoughts. Also let me know if anything above didn’t make sense, I tried to make it make sense. XD

    • @rae
      I really like this idea!!!

    • I think this is a fun idea. I don’t think there’s any theological problems. Is this your fantasy, or something else? If the first, then I wouldn’t think theological and scientific problems should be your primary concern, because what you say goes. Even if your more into hard worldbuilding, you can build up a distinct theological system that is completely different, or very familiar to what you know. If there are ideas that may be different from your understanding, then how far you take that is between you and God.

    • I don’t think this is too weird an idea for a sci-fi universe. It’s basically like God put literal, actual life in a body which was built, not born. Like a machine built out of flesh and bone, it was working, but it wasn’t alive quite yet. I think the way he explains it is a little strange, but that’s an explanation and can be modified a bit.

      • My only issue is that if his heart was going but not his breathing, he would die pretty quickly, so maybe he was effectively “dead” with neither organ working, and when they tried to “jump-start” him, his heart started but not his lungs, and then when they were confusedly trying to figure it out he started breathing.
