MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago
Happy 2024 everyone! 🎉🎉
What are you doing that’s new this year? I’m learning Japanese this quarter, and I hope to continue it after the class finishes 🙂
MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago
Happy 2024 everyone! 🎉🎉
What are you doing that’s new this year? I’m learning Japanese this quarter, and I hope to continue it after the class finishes 🙂
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Happy New year!
I’m learning Spanish and Japanese. Japanese because I want to move to Japan when I’m older 🙂 and Spanish because I feel like I will use that more in my life. And when I feel like it, I work on German and Chinese. (You can communicate with 20% of the world if you can speak Chinese!)
And… just driving and publishing are my other goals.
Cool! That’s a lot, wow lol. Which is your favorite?
Yeah 😅 I like Spanish and German, they’re both pretty easy. Other languages with different symbols always make me mess up.
Hows Japanese going for you? I had the best teacher for it when I was… maybe 8? Then as we got busy I had to quit, but I’m starting again. Its a whole lot easier than Chinese. 🙂
Wow, you’ve been learning languages for that long? That’s so cool! I did three quarters of asl last year, but that was my first time doing anything in another language. Idk why, japanese is already feeling easier XD asl never quite caught on for me.
Are you learning Mandarin Chinese?
It’s going really well! I actually love it 😂 today is only my second day though…lol. I can read all but like maybe 13 hiragana, I found this really cool website that has picture memnomics. So like it shoes you how the hiragana for “no” looks like a pig nose, ect ect. Some of them look better than others, but it’s really helped me!
I stopped a year after that or so and I dont quite remember a whole bunch of it, just little bits 🙂 I never caught on the ASL either, I can spell my name and thats about it.
Yep! Mandarin Chinese, it is HARD though. There is like 5 different tones to speak in and each tone means something different. I work on Spanish a ton more.
Thats great you can read so much! I have cards like that to, and I know the alphabet (The sounds) but I cant read it😂
yeah I feel like there’s less resources available for learning asl. I still have my dictionaries though, maybe I’ll pick it up again. It sounds hard!!
Thx! Having it as a graded class makes me work a lot harder XD
I know you commented here somewhere but I can’t find it… it’s in my email like 5 times though 😂
Asl sounds like a great ministry! I considered that when starting the classes, but I never reached a great level of understanding without many real time conversations. My previous church had a interpreter, but I don’t think it’s a priority as much as it could be. Totally wish I could practice with you lol, I still remember a bit. What are you currently learning in it? My last class ended at non manual markers(Like if I were to say ‘small’, I would scrunch my shoulder up to my chin to show just how small it was), and I know basic grammar.
Oh, exciting! Good luck! I’m excited to see it when it’s ready! 😁😁
Oh, and I just started watching infinity war. It’s kinda intense, lol.
Oh and side note, it’s been gloomy for like weeks straight here, and for some reason it hasn’t snowed like usual (Usually the snow makes it brighter) and I’ve been like super depressed. I’m dealing with some other things in my life too, and tbh I’ve had multiple instances of just wishing I could be in heaven :/ I know it’s not always going to be like this, and thankfully my sister was home to help me figure it out a little, but idk my brain is a jumble inside lol.
Heyyy! Happy 2024!!
Just working on writing and hoping to get some final drafts by the end of the year 👀 I’m also planning to write more short stories and stuff like and enter them into contests, just to see where my writing stands and get me writing non novel length works.
Nothing really new other than that I think. XD
Hey there!
Nice! keep me posted 🙂
Y’know I think short stories are great for that! I thought my short story was really good, but after getting it critiqued by a more experienced author I was knocked back down to size 🤦🏻♀️it felt awful but showed me how much more work I had to do! It’s kinda daunting to get feedback on your work, so don’t let it get you discouraged, it’s a good way to move forward.
Yeah, I’m really interested to see what happens. 😁
I’m also going to have my parents read through a book I’ve been working on, my NaNo project actually, and get their feedback on it. Because they’ve only read a couple short stories and I wasn’t quite asking for critique on them. I think it’s gonna be interesting to see what they think, especially since they’re big readers. 🙃
I hope that goes well for you! I’ve had really veried experiences with critiques, from the real blunt honest/painful to my mom saying she thinks it’s nice. Little bit of both are healthy imo lol XD good luck with your book, oh and congrats on writing so much this year, i haven’t read most of it but I’ve seen your consistent postings 😉
Thanks!! Yeah, I definitely got writing more after NaNo since I figured out I could write 1-2k words a day. Not that I write that much a day anymore, but I’m much more consistent now XD
How’s your writing coming along?
Uh… idk it’s coming along lol, thanks for asking. I’ve been pretty depressed recently, and I don’t usually write while I’m like that. I’ve been kinda confused, and I’m well aware that my writing is going to be the spitting image of how I’m feeling. So, yeah. I could write my second wip “our last hope” (My go to for when I’m depressed, it’s pretty sad) but I just felt like it wouldn’t be a healthy choice, so unfortunately I haven’t been writing or drawing. I have been writing in my head a little bit though!
I’m thinking about Tauren and Lesli’s romance arc, I want it to be a really different friends to lovers, super slow burn. Tauren’s gonna be pretty upfront about it (this is after his character development, Lesli has helped him learn it’s ok to take risks sometimes) but Lesli’s not sure. She likes Tauren, but her view of a married women is based of Everly, who is a super traditional housewife. It’s not that Lesli has a problem with that way of life, it’s just not for her, and it takes her awhile to realize she can get married while still being herself, because Tauren would never make her change. Idk, like she has to realize he wants to marry her, not the person she could become.
How about you? Working on edits now or thinking about the sequels?
Aw man, yeah that’s not fun. I’ll pray for you ❤️ But yeah, writing in your head is still progress XD
Aww, I love that so much 😍 And it seems pretty realistic too.
Um, sort of. I’ve been working on the third draft of my first book, which needed serious help. XD Basically, my plan is to have my trilogy as my main project that I’m always working on, and then write other short stories or standalones on the side.
Oh and I’ve been doing to character development and really focusing on the character aspect of my stories. I think that’s been strengthening my writing as I try to focus on character voice and characters in general more than the plot, if that makes sense. I think beforehand my story was too plot-driven, and now that I’ve been digging into who my characters are, it’s been making it more character-driven and even easier to write. I guess the ‘easier to write’ part of that comes from writing more often tho XD
Thanks girl <3
Thank you! You're the second person to tell me it seems realistic, so I'm feeling pretty good about it!
that's so cool! I personally love doing character work, it's so cool to make up people lol. Who are you currently working on?
No one in particular atm, but I think I’m gonna work on Adrian next, and then move onto my other side charries. They need some development… it’s pretty bad. XD
XD yep just a part of the process