
  • -GRCR- posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    Heyy… I’m creating a fictional school for my current WIP (and my cities altogether). Problem is, I’m homeschooled and have never gone into a school building in my life. If anyone here has gone to school or goes to school, I’d really love to know what it’s like! I desire to know as much as is willing to be told!!

    • Hey! What do you want to know about school? (like do you have any specific questions you need to know?)

      • Well, for one thing, I really want to know what happens when you immediately walk in… Do you have to check in somehow? Does someone direct you to classes? Oh, and what happens if you come a little early?

        • Are you talking first day, or just everyday?
          On the first day, you find a schedule for your classes (and your name so you know which locker is yours) on the door of your locker.
          At our school, it’s basically the same for first day and then the rest of the year. You walk in, go to your locker and put your backpack and coat away, then you have to go to the cafeteria and check in. We have a sheet on one of the tables. You find your name, write the time you got there, and then go sit down at a table with your friends while you wait for the bell to ring. I’m not sure how other schools do it, that’s just what we do. If you come after the first bell rings, you just get your stuff and go to your class. You’re not tardy unless the second bell rings and you’re not in your classroom.
          Nobody directs you to your classes unless you’re new and ask for help.
          Does that answer your question?
