MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago
Yooo I’m bored, if anyone wants to chat just reply to this post
MineralizedWritings posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago
Yooo I’m bored, if anyone wants to chat just reply to this post
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Hello! How’s it going?
It’s going…I guess XD Life has been really busy!
XD isn’t this time always busy? I’m sooo looking forwards to a break from school though 😣
I know! Sammmmmeeee!
Hey girl, how’s life? ❤️
Hello! Thanks for asking! 💛
This is kinda an odd answer, but I didn’t think you’d mind lol
Every day and week feels very different from the last, I feel like I am learning a lot about myself, people in general, life… idk. But it’s all very complicated and I’m never quite sure what direction I’m moving. I think I’m moving forwards and I pray that God is guiding me, so I suppose something good will come out of this time of my life. In a since I am frustrated by the state of my life, because at times there is nothing I can do to change my situation (Ex, I signed up for a in person class to try to make friends in person, and because of car conflicts it looks like it might not work out. My dad doesn’t seem to understand the situation and how much I need people my own age, and therefore isn’t buying a new car as fast as some would. I know he has a bad mental state, but it’s complicated.) And I’m a person who likes to be in control. I like to prepare for bad things so I can gain control when they happen, prepare for my future so I won’t be left behind, ect. So I don’t like not being able to change a state of life. On the other hand, I suppose I’m having a very odd and unique life compared to others, so I’ll try to learn from it. The current state of my life is so frustrating I simply can’t ‘enjoy the journey’, because every day there’s something to remind me of the life in the future I’d rather have. There’s this constant reminder that I’ll never be 18 again, and this is how it’s going for me. Since about 9th grade, I’ve been waiting for some better future, but I know somehow I need to be content, even if everything feels wrong. If I didn’t have writing, drawing, and you guys, I wouldn’t be ok 😂 I used to not be able to write, so I like to think God gave it to me as a way of understanding all these crazy things.
Anyways, philosophical stuff aside, I’m excited for my sister to come over this Christmas, and my dad just made a cheesecake. We watched a cheesy movie (Ironic, I know) about finding treasure… it was enjoyable but not well written, we all got a good laugh out of it.
Oh and you probably would have gotten a different answer from me had I replied mid day, I’m always a little down and confused towards the end of the day. XD
So.. yeah! How’s life for you? <3
Glad you could write out your feelings, not everyone can do that ❤️ I can really relate to this feeling, if only secondarily. I have this irl friend, really close, and she has the exact same thing going on. Wishes for a predetermined future, and quiet frustration when those wishes don’t come true. Especially since day-to-day and even life-threatening issues have caused setbacks. So I’ve sympathized with people who have this same mindset, and tbh, even though I can’t say I think the same, I still soak up some of the frustration 😅
I just hope you can find the beautiful things in the situation you are in; if you feel stuck now, just remember you have most of your life left, and eventual awesomeness in heaven to think about ❤️
And yeah, I understand feeling philosophical in the evening 😂
How’s life? Ummm oof, I don’t know 😂
I feel like I’m hurtling through black space, and no asteroids or comets crash into me, so I will never find out exactly how fast I’m rushing.
There, how’s that for philosophical? 🤣 But it’s true.
I know so many people I can talk to, teenagers who are amazingly self-aware and who make meaningful conversation. There’s little to no barrier between me and my parents. At school, at home, at church, it’s this constant openness. Spiritual conversations are a daily occurrence. But I just feel so unsatisfied, because I know how people tick, I know what’s going to happen next. And when I don’t, I get stressed out. Nothing interesting lasts. I love all those people, but once I figure out how they work? Combination of fascination and boredom.
Idk how to explain it, and it makes me sound cold and heartless. It’s just that people are so open with me. They all say I’m the easiest person to talk to in the world, to the point where I know who likes who before they even know it, I predict everything, analyze everyone, give advice. And I’m just so annoyed with everyone on this planet.
*Hides under my stuffed animals* I just want to be alooooooooone…
That’s about all I can type without losing my cool 😂
Yeah. I’m trying to do better with enjoying my current state.
<33 yep, there's always heaven to look forwards too.
lol philosophical evenings are such a mood.
Your astriods and comets comment is very interesting to me although I'm not sure I can understand it fully 😂
It's great that you have so many self aware and open people in your life! I haven't met many except for here on kp, and my mom and sister. My sister at some piont became the person people would tell lots of things to because they knew she wouldn't judge, and she said it was quite exhausting. I think she appreciated the trust, but you can only take in so much of other peoples messes.
So, you're bored once you figure out how people work, but stressed when you can't figure it out?Hmm… interesting problem. Are all the people you interact with… the same?
Idk about you, but I used to hang out with a lot of people who were the same. My main socail base was a christain youth group (Which had it's good and bad) where conformity was seen as good. A lot of people dressed similairly, did the same things, and when you were unusual, people didn't know how to take it. I really liked taking an in person art class awhile back, because art people are all so different. There's nothing wrong with other people being alike, but when it becomes a expectation, it's not great. I met a lot of cool people in that art class. You run into some weird stuff too, but lot's of good and new.
Are you like, tired of giving advice? I don't think that's cold or heartless, everyone has their limits.
Well it's ok to be annoyed. XD
XD and hiding under stuffed animals sounds great.
Well I'm sorry we're both feeling all fuzzy and confused inside but ig it's just life 💛
*nods at pretty much everything Min says* 😂
My people are not all the same. They are sometimes frustratingly different 😅But in a way, maybe they feel the same to me, because in a way everyone has the same blueprint behind their hearts and wills. *ack philosophy again!!* Not dictating the actual substance of those hearts, but the way they operate, being affected by certain stimuli and stuff. Idk, but that’s the best I can make of it.
Huh, that’s an interesting environment. The conforming Christian group. I’ve been in something similar, but only for a short year and then it fizzled out. Did you ever try being unusual, or at least what was unusual for that group?
Yeah, maybe I am tired 😂 I’m just glad for Christmas break. Maybe that will give us all the opportunity we needed.
And you’re also right; it’s life and it probably won’t change in the way we want it to 🤪
Same blueprint behind there hearts and wills… sounds like a poem XD
I’ve been in a environment like that for uh… maybe it was 3 years or so? Idk, but being different wasn’t appreciated among my christain peers for much of my life. I actually tried really hard to be like them, because I just lived for those tiny moments of peer affirmation. one ‘I like your outfit’ did so much for me, it would change the way I dressed. I feel like I learned a valuable lesson on making friends and people pleasing. If you build your identity off who others want you too be, those friends likely aren’t real, and you won’t be satisfied. I feel a lot better now, it’s been awhile since then.
Yeah, we all need a Christmas break XD
Oh, and btw I really liked what I saw you say in another conversation about needing to be a weird kid. You hot the nail on the head with some of the things I’m currently experiencing, and I kinda needed that wake up call. I hang out with a lot of writers through instagram, because it’s easier to find christain writers than artists. There isn’t anything wrong with this, but there’s a plethra of relatable content about how writers are… fill in the blank. Were the weird kids at school writing in the back of the class, have a tbr that never ends, always basing characters off people they meet, and generally being a sect of different. ZI’m not exactly like that, especially because I’m a artist more than a writer. I was weird in other ways growing up (my obsessions with snakes and snake care/genetics) but I was pretty social and never was reading in a corner. I have felt pressure at times that I should be like them or something, and I was totally unaware I was thinking that. It was almost like subconsciously, I thought I needed to belong in that group or something, lol.
Hi! How are you doing? How was your Christmas?
Hello! It was actually pretty good, my sister is home from school. My school starts back on the third, unfortunately. I was just doing some writing, trying to figure out a transition point in my book as the pace kicks up. How about you? Also, how is writing going?
Thats great that your sister came home!
Yeah… school. We start tomorrow, but thats great cause I think I start drivers ed soon!
I’m doing good, this year seems like it will be better though. Im not saying 2023 was a bad year, it was just really different with moving for the first time and all. And on top of that, my grandma who is still in CA had some pretty serious health issues and we couldn’t go back, but thankfully shes recovering.
My writings actually going great! I’m editing/rewriting and its a lot more fun than I though 🙂
Hope you had a great new years eve!
I start school wednesday 🙄
oh, that’s great that you are starting driver ed soon!
I forgot you moved! How has it been in the new place? Making some new friends?
I’m glad your grandmom is doing better now.
Yeah, editing and rerwitting can actually be super fun once you get into the groove of it.
Its been different, Ive never moved before so it was a bit rough over the first few months, but one we joined a home school group and met a few people it got a little better. We have a few friends close by which also made it a little easier (Close by as in 30 minutes, buts thats close here) XD
And yep! Editing is getting more fun once you get into it. This year I haven’t been doing it to much, but hope to get into it sooner… hopefully 😀
I’m glad you’ve met some people! I used to home school, it’s great you’ve found a group to join. Good luck in your new place! <3
Thank you!😊 🤗