
  • Allison posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    @felicity @booksbyjayna @starshiness @livingwoodchronicles @landric
    Hi! I haven’t seen you guys active lately, how are you doing?🤗 If your busy, I totally understand, but I just thought I’d say hi!😊

    • @acancello
      Hi!!! Oof yes I know I haven’t been active since the spring I think (?). But I’m doing really good! Thanks for asking! That means a lot. <3 I had a job over the summer and joined the Young Writer's Workshop as well so that has kept me busy. I'm also doing NaNoWriMo this month which is pretty exciting. I'm working on a newer writing project about a ex-FBI trainee living in the USA after the government collapses. It's a sort of dystopian/thriller.
      How have you been? How's your writing going?

      • Hi! Oooh! A dystopian/thriller? That’s the exact genre I’m doing, (Mine takes place when an EMP happens and all the power goes out forever, and the government may be involved with the mysterious disappearances of people). I’m not doing NaNoWriMo, still working on my WIP, nearly 40k!!!
        I’ve been pretty good, not doing to much besides school and stuff like that, I may learn to drive soon and we joined a Christian homeschool group so we have been meeting a lot of people! 🙂

        • Oh that sounds really cool! And wow, that’s a lot of words. Good job!
          Glad to hear it! I hope driving goes well for you. Are you excited or scared?

          • @felicity
            Thanks! I’m super excited to drive, it will be so fun to go places by myself. Paying for the car and insurance though…lol!I have been practicing a bit, I just have to take the classes and things like that. I was supposed to in Aug/Sept, but nothing worked out. Hopefully sometime this year!

            • Oof yeah payments *insert mad face* 😉
              I get that. It took me a year and a half to get mine because of…certain things…(me failing a couple times lol). But I’m sure you’ll do great!

    • @freedomwriter76
      Hi! I was just wondering how publishing/editing your book is going? That must be so exciting!!

    • Wow! Your getting close! I hope to someday be there also, if all goes well I may be there next year 😂 Good job! And if you want to, keep me posted on how its going, I would love a copy when it’s published💗

    • Thank you, that means a lot 😊
      How long have you had the idea/been writing your book?

    • @freedomwriter76
      Riker was the villain??? Thats what I love about the drafts, you can change as much as you want 😂 I’ve also been writing since 2022, but a ton has happened in that year so I didnt get to much time in. I hope to finish my rough draft this year, then the editing starts🙄 🤣

    • Tysm!!!

    • @freedomwriter76

      I have happened upon this conversation and thought you might find it interesting that Amazon has a service where you upload your book, and they print it. So… you never actually have the copies (a downside or upside, depending on how you look at it)

      Totally understand if that’s not your thing or you don’t want to support amazon too XD

      just a idea if you didn’t want to handle shipping XD

    • @acancello
      Oh my gosh girl I just read your profile and Walk Two Moons is one of my favorite books too! I didn’t realize anyone else read that!!!!

    • @felicity
      Thank you! I hope to do well also 😂

    • @savannah_grace2009
      No, I haven’t but I just checked it out online and it seems like a good book, I’ll have to check it out!

    • @acancello So sorry, just now saw this…eight months later. As you can probably figure out, no, I haven’t been very active here lately—busy with editing and book launch plans. But I hope everyone’s projects here are going great!
