
  • whaley posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    So life has been whirling so hard right now, that I got home a little bit ago from a slumber party, and literally couldn’t breathe. I’m having a hard time processing stuff, my head feels weird, my body feels weird, and my emotions are WEIRD. I tried writing five minutes ago, and my brain stopped XD In conclusion, I may socialize on here, but unless I feel the writer’s pull, I may not be posting much for like, I don’t know… at least a couple weeks?
    But I have this board with thumbtacks, cards, ribbon, etc. for plotting, which is going to be so cool! It’s just going to be relaxed plotting, though. Stuff needs to be sorted out calmly and gently…

    • @freedomwriter76 Thank you for the concern 😊 I am officially trembling with the chills (which is actually my favorite sickness symptom… is that a weird conviction? 🤣) I know it’s just the flu or something, but recently my body has been kinda messed up. But whatevs, I’ll surviiiiiive 😜

    • @whalekeeper I’m sorry to here that! (Lol oops im 13 days late)
      Did like something happen at the slumber party? (You mentioned the emotions) I’ve been at a birthday party starting to go downhill before and I was so relieved to be outta there… I know those can get kinda crazy. And the hard time breathing is something I get with emotional stress too.

    • That’s a heart. It’s sideways. <3
