
  • MineralizedWritings posted an update 2 years ago

    @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c @felicity @smiley @anyone else

    Hullo, I will be gone for a couple days visiting colleges! If you are rping with me and need a charrie to move on, that’s ok. Would you guys pray for us to be able to see what we need to see here? I have no idea where to go and what degree to get! I kinda want to go into art education, idk. I assume that doesn’t pay well… lol.

    Also I’ll be in this june’s kings daughters writing camp! It’s a writing camp for christian girls, if anyone here is interested. It’s supposed to be safer because it’s just for girls, but tbh anyone can claim to be a gender so still use caution. Basically there’s a camp room with random people (about 12 I think?) and you check in on word count goals each day. There’s a camp auntie to ask questions, and larger rooms that contain the entire camp to share writing chat ect. It’s all online.

    • Light replied 2 years ago

      Okay girl!! I’ll miss you immensely, and can’t wait to talk to you again soon! Praying for you ❤

      Ooh that sounds fun!! Unfortunately I’ve been really busy this month so I probably won’t be able to sign up. I’ve barely been able to keep up with the RPs (as you know 😅😬) Hopefully next time!

      Love ya girl!! God Bless 🥰

      • @lightoverdarkness6

        Thanks you too girl!!
        XD yeah, life gets busy. Aren’t you on summer break? Still busy lol?

        Love you too! <33

        • Light replied 2 years ago

          You’re welcome! Aww thank you! ❤❤

          XD Yes it does. Wellll…I’m homeschooled, so we do things a bit differently. I’m a bit behind in math and I’m superrrr scatterbrained so if I go even a few days without doing math I’ll forget a bunch of vital details XD 😅😬 It’s not my strongsuit, to say the least lol. So I’m still doing school, which kinda sucks since most of my friends are out, but hey, it’s okay! 🙂 lol

          • All I can say is I hate math. Lol. I used to like it but then it got complicated… I’m going to get to take logic instead of math next year because it counts as a math credit XD

            • Light replied 2 years ago

              Me too girl, me too 😅 Oh cool!! I know that will be very nice to not have to do *shudders* math. All those numbers…oof XDXD

    • @freedomwriter76
      Thanks!! <3 You too and thanks for the prayers!


    • I’ll miss you but I hope you have an awesome time!! 😊I’ll be praying! ❤️

    • Light replied 2 years ago

      @freedomwriter76 Aww girl…tysm girl…that means more to me than you know ❤️

    • You’re in my prayers Min! I hope everything goes smoothly. Also, have a fun time at the writing camp!!
