MineralizedWritings posted an update 2 years ago
@godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @lightoverdarkness6 @esther-c @felicity @smiley @anyone else
Hullo, I will be gone for a couple days visiting colleges! If you are rping with me and need a charrie to move on, that’s ok. Would you guys pray for us to be able to see what we need to see here? I have no idea where to go and what degree to get! I kinda want to go into art education, idk. I assume that doesn’t pay well… lol.
Also I’ll be in this june’s kings daughters writing camp! It’s a writing camp for christian girls, if anyone here is interested. It’s supposed to be safer because it’s just for girls, but tbh anyone can claim to be a gender so still use caution. Basically there’s a camp room with random people (about 12 I think?) and you check in on word count goals each day. There’s a camp auntie to ask questions, and larger rooms that contain the entire camp to share writing chat ect. It’s all online.
Okay girl!! I’ll miss you immensely, and can’t wait to talk to you again soon! Praying for you ❤
Ooh that sounds fun!! Unfortunately I’ve been really busy this month so I probably won’t be able to sign up. I’ve barely been able to keep up with the RPs (as you know 😅😬) Hopefully next time!
Love ya girl!! God Bless 🥰
Thanks you too girl!!
XD yeah, life gets busy. Aren’t you on summer break? Still busy lol?
Love you too! <33
You’re welcome! Aww thank you! ❤❤
XD Yes it does. Wellll…I’m homeschooled, so we do things a bit differently. I’m a bit behind in math and I’m superrrr scatterbrained so if I go even a few days without doing math I’ll forget a bunch of vital details XD 😅😬 It’s not my strongsuit, to say the least lol. So I’m still doing school, which kinda sucks since most of my friends are out, but hey, it’s okay! 🙂 lol
All I can say is I hate math. Lol. I used to like it but then it got complicated… I’m going to get to take logic instead of math next year because it counts as a math credit XD
Me too girl, me too 😅 Oh cool!! I know that will be very nice to not have to do *shudders* math. All those numbers…oof XDXD
Thanks!! <3 You too and thanks for the prayers!
I’ll miss you but I hope you have an awesome time!! 😊I’ll be praying! ❤️
Thanks! <3
@freedomwriter76 Aww girl…tysm girl…that means more to me than you know ❤️
You’re in my prayers Min! I hope everything goes smoothly. Also, have a fun time at the writing camp!!
Thank you! <3