
  • Felicity posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

    @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @esther-c @godlyfantasy12 @acancello @lightoverdarkness6 @keilah-h @princesachronicle22 @loopylin @theloonyone @thearcaneaxiom @koshka @otherworldlyhistorian @folith-feolin @mineralizedwritings @sarahsmile @sarafini @euodia-vision @janellebelovedpig @booksbyjayna @whalekeeper @theloonyone @charityanne @starofthenorth @mackenzie @livingwoodchronicles @Anyone-I-missed

    Hey everybody! *waves* I thought it was about time I let you all know that my summer is looking really full and I’m not going to be able to be on here very much. With that said, I wanted to share something that I’ve learned over the past couple months.

    Kingdom Pen and you all have been so influential to me and ever since I joined last November I’ve grown in my writing by leaps and bounds. Before I joined, I had no clue that so many amazing young writers existed. I was greatly encouraged and was also able to get over the hump of sharing my writing with others outside my family. To all those who gave me feedback and helped with ideas and just listened (read 😉 ) when I talked about my stories, thank you!!!!!!

    Starting with KP, a whole new door opened to me. I gained confidence to put my writing out there in other places and let the Lord take it where He would. I learned that when our goal is to serve God with our talent, He will bless it, and give us new opportunities and experiences to grow and learn.

    Basically, when I stopped trusting in my own ability to be a good writer, and asked the Lord to take over and lead me, everything was so much better. I had less stress and felt peaceful about my future.

    A big thank you to everybody! You’re all in my prayers and I hope you have a sunny-lemonade-and-watermelon-filled summer!

    • I’m so glad that everybody here on KP was/is able to encourage and uplift you!! 😊
      Keep on writing and have a great summer too!! ❤️

    • I hope you have a wonderful Summer, @felicity !! May our Lord bless your writing!

    • @felicity

      Aww we are so glad to have helped you! I’m so happy to know that kp has benefited you in this way, and you’ve been able to trust God more. have a great summer!

    • @felicity

      It’s wonderful to hear how much you’ve grown!😊 Both as a writer, and in your faith.❤️I hope your busy Summer is sun-kissed and stuffed with lots of sweet things!

    • Have a great summer Felicity! Have fun writing and whatever exciting adventures come your way, and never forget how much the Lord loves you!

    • Aww I’m so glad to hear that girl!! You’ve helped me the same way! Thank YOU for being so kind and cheerful, and encouraging me with my writing. I’ll miss you so much, but can’t wait to chat with you again soon! Have a wonderful summer and God Bless!! ❤️❤️

      • @felicity
        I’m so glad that you’ve found a safe place for your creativity to be shown and grown.
        God has placed you exactly where He wants you for the exact amount of time He wants you there.
        I know we haven’t interacted much but you have inspired me in some of your writing and your comments.
        Thanks for being friendly, it means a lot.😊
        Have a great summer!!🍋☀️🍉☀️

      • Light: I’m so happy to hear that! Yes, we need to chat again when I have more time! 🙂

        Charityanne: Aw, thanks girl!

    • Thank you for sharing those thoughts! That’s very encouraging. ❤ I hope you have an amazing summer and God continues to grow your love for Him through this gift He has given you!

    • I hope you have a great summer too!! (And mmm, watermelon…
