Gwyndalf the Wise posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
Haven’t seen you around in awhile, how are you doing? =)
Gwyndalf the Wise posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago
Haven’t seen you around in awhile, how are you doing? =)
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@gwyndalf-the-wise Hello! I’m doing good, and I’m surprised you remembered me. XD I’ve been working on school, recently (lol, I mean just today) took up dancing for fun, and I’ve been writing for Ao3.
How are you? 🙂
@gold_hummingbird Well you were always nice, and your profile picture for CWW is a huge memory tag for me cause of the smirk because I have a character that makes that face. XD
Cool! What type of dancing? And Ao3 is the story with Dream, right? I just started reading that one of yours and I’m only to the middle of chapter #7 at the moment.
I’m doing pretty good. I’ve also been doing school, started a fanfiction that I just finished a tiny outline for and hope to have an entire plot for by the end of the month…I don’t think I’ve started any new hobbies yet XD but I did get some cool markers for a hobby, if that counts?
@gwyndalf-the-wise lol, cool! I still have that image saved on my file. Idk, there’s something very picturesque about Punz. And, yeah, I have three stories that I’m working on in Ao3. Of a Flock, You’re My chase, and Permafrost. And, man, my schedule is completely wrecked right now. XD
Oh nice! Yeah, I’ve only read Of a Flock so far, just finished it the other day. XD Schedules are hard.
@gwyndalf-the-wise Yeah, they are. Especially since I am planning to become a lifeguard at Sunsplash, so I no longer have too much time anymore.
Also, you mentioned a fanfiction you were writing. What’s it about? 🙂
Ah. *wonders if Sunsplash is like Splash Kingdom but not from that chain*
The fanfiction: (just a warning, summaries aren’t my strong suit, so this may or may not make sense)
Current Title: [SPY]DER-MAN
This will be a standalone but I reserve the right to change my mind. XD
Story: An overly-burdened spy must find the mole in the organization while appeasing the needs and wants of others…there’s more to this but I don’t have the words for it right now.
Theme: explores what is responsibility and who are we responsible to.
This is a fanfiction but not a traditional one because it doesn’t have any of the characters, setting, or plot of the things it’s based off of. Really the only things that it steals from the original source is the theme, the superpowers, and the villain’s relationship to the MC. So anyone could read this and understand it without having any knowledge of the source.
@gwyndalf-the-wise Oh! Um, ha, Sunsplash is a waterpark. lol
Ohhh, I see! I really like that story idea! That’s honestly a really interesting theme, one that I’ve never really thought about. Honestly, when I make a story, I just write it, and the theme comes to me later. Like with this new story I’m making. It took me till the end of the third chapter to realize I wanted to create it into a mystery book too.
Cool. Yeah, that’s usually what happens to me with themes… this project was an exception cause I swiped the theme from the source XD
Oooo you have a mystery book? *grins* *loves mystery books*
Oh my gosh, I am soooo sorry, I got this message in Oregon, and I don’t have laptop service over there so I couldn’t reply, and then my messages got busy.
But, yeah! It’s kind of like a mystery book, and the readers definitely ask a lot of questions and they don’t know the right answer, but the mystery part is on and off, it’s not a full blown thing throughout the entire story. The reason it’s not like that is because I switch POV’s, and one of the characters I write through doesn’t know a thing about the mystery, because it’s all happening with the other character.