GodlyFantasy12 posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago
@keilah-h @freedomwriter76 @princesachronicle22 @lightoverdarkness6 @elishavet-pidyon @felicity @gwyndalf-the-wise @loopylin @theloonyone @thearcaneaxiom @anyone-else
Heyooo!! So Ik I haven’t been on much recently and want to explain and also give a small heads up.Don’t worry! I’m not leaving KP! *sigh of relief XD* but I may not be on as much or in the RPs as much? I still enjoy them and want to be! So please don’t kick me out, maybe just have my charries in the background? XD XD, I’ll try to RP when I can/feel like it. Recently I just haven’t felt like RP-ing, also I’ve taken on a new load because…
I’m becoming youth pastor at my church!!!
So yea! That’s exciting but also a bit of pressure and more work. But I wanted to come on here and let y’all know, so thanks for understanding! Y’all are awesome!
@godlyfantasy12 I’m so glad you’re not leaving!! You are always so sweet and funny, and brighten my day with your kind words.
Oh, of course sister!! We would never kick you out!! XD And yes, that sounds good! We’ve already paused the 2.0 castle since Freedom left, and I haven’t really had time to RP lately anyway, so it’s all good! 😀
Oh really?! Wow, that’s awesome!!! 😀 Yes, I know that must be pressuring, but girl, you’ve got this!! You’re so welcome! I’ll miss you, and I’ll be praying for you!
CONGRAGULATIONS!!! That is awesome!! Best of luck to you!! I’m sure you will do great with your awesome and peppy spirit (:
And yeah we totally get it! I haven’t been on as much, life is just life and does require our attention XD
Well all the loves and posiive vibes to you!!
*is very glad you’re not leaving*
Congratulations! May the Lord be with you, and give you strength to do His will! ❤️
I’ll be praying for you and I hope it goes well. ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, thanks! You’re awesome too and I hope you know that.
Ok…*deep breath* i’m so glad you’re not leaving! You’re in my prayers, girl!!!
All right! That’s a cool job, and I hope you have fun! It’s also totally fine with me if you aren’t on as much as you used to be.
That’s awesome! No worries about the RP’s, it’s amazing that your able to take more time to serve our Lord!