
  • TheArcaneAxiom posted an update 1 year, 12 months ago

    @felicity @otherworldlyhistorian @kyronthearcanin @folith-feolin @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @sarahsmile  @godlyfantasy12 @sarafini @gwyndalf-the-wise @freedomwriter76 (Whenever your back Freedom in case your interested) @anyone-and-everyone

    Hi Everyone! As some of you have figured out, I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Some of you have shared with me some amazing sermons that have left me edified, so I thought that I might invite everyone to listen into my Church’s worldwide General Conference that’s live starting tomorrow April first 11:00AM CDT (No this isn’t an April fools joke😅). There will be two main sessions, then it will continue Sunday starting 10:30AM CDT. We’ll get to hear talks(sermons) from the the Church leadership, including President Nelson. I completely understand if your not able to attend any of the sessions, but if your still interested, you can still listen to the recordings afterwards anytime. Please don’t feel obligated to listen to any of them, but I feel that they can truly edify you if you give a piece of your time and an open mind. You’re all such remarkable people, and I can honestly say that I’ve felt spiritual growth as I’ve talked with you all here, I am truly humbled to meet such remarkable individuals committed to our Savior, so I hope I can pay that forward even a little bit.

    You can listen in through a number of services, including YouTube, but here’s a link to the Church website:
