
  • Gwyndalf the Wise posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    @freedomwriter76 @felicity @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @keilah-h @sarafini @ava-blue @artsy-dragon @freedomdreamer @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @anybody else I missed, sorry!
    I’m not gonna be on much, but you’re still welcome to tag me. =)
    Apparently my great aunt is dying.
    Struggling with feeling numb/I dunno what feeling.
    I need to get things done but it all seems pointless right now. But if I don’t do it I’ll be really behind and people will get frustrated with me.
    I thought I was over being afraid of death but apparently not. *glares at self* It’s really frustrating because I know I can’t do anything to stop people from dying and I’m not God but I keep obsessing over it…
    Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. ❤️

    • @gwyndalf-the-wise I’m praying for you, and your aunt! <3 I'm so sorry for all your going through, my aunt died of cancer last May, and it's been difficult. I understand what your feeling! <3

    • @gwyndalf-the-wise I will pray for you! My great aunt died about a year or two ago, but I didn’t know her well so it didn’t really affect me. I know what that’s like having a hard time getting things done, when I’m having family issues honestly I just wanna watch youtube all day to distract myself, but I have to do schoolwork anyways. I wish I knew the perfect thing to say to you rn, but for some reason I never question what happens in life, I guess I’m just different that way. I just figure good and bad things happen, and either way God is in control. I know it doesn’t feel good to have people say ‘oh something good could come out of it’, so I won’t say that. I will say that through the struggles I’ve had in life, I’ve gained a lot of empathy for others, and can relate to people who are going through something hard. I may have not had somebody to relate to during those times of my life, but I can be that person for somebody else once I’m through the other side of it. So sorry this is happening, You’ll be in my prayers! We love you girl! <3

    • @gwyndalf-the-wise Praying for you and your family! ❤️❤️❤️

      I’m very sorry, I know that must be so hard. We love you girl, you are amazing. We may not know the reasons why The Father sometimes takes away the people that we love, but know that there is a reason. He knows what we do not, and one day, when we are reunited with our loved ones, we will see why, and realize that He knew, all along. And we WILL see them again, one day. Sending virtual hugs!! 💕💕

    • @gwyndalf-the-wise
      I’m so sorry that you have to go through that! But you don’t need to feel any pressure about being on here, we understand, but will be here for you when needed. I will definitly pray for you and your family

    • @gwyndalf-the-wise
      I know exactly what you’re going through right now. It’s really hard and I completely understand. I’ve lost two grandparents and a great grandparent. Plus, right now our family is going through a time of having to just trust God because He knows the plan.
      God is there for you all the time. I’ve found that focusing on Him (by reading His word, talking to Him, listening to songs that glorify Him) helps me get my eyes off the “storm”. Being afraid of death is real, but let me just encourage by saying, don’t be. I know it’s really hard and I believe we all struggle with it. But Christ has conquered death! The grave has no victory over those who are Christ’s! It’s absolutely amazing!
      So just keep your eyes on the One who sees it all, on the One who cares for you and will never stop loving you. ❤️
      I’ll be here anything if you want to talk. You and your family will be in my prayers. Love ya, girl! 🙏🏻💕💕

    • I’m praying for you! Sorry your going through that right now, grieving is really hard. Even when we know a loved one is in heaven and that we will see them again, we still miss them terribly. God knows our hearts, and understands our feelings, even when we don’t have words or thoughts to describe them. He loves you and has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

    • Update: She went to see the Lord and her husband at 1:30-40. (this may sound terrible but I’m a little bit relieved because I didn’t know she knew the Lord originally)

      Thanks. ❤️

      Thanks for the prayers. I wasn’t necessarily close to this great aunt but…death. I don’t know, I don’t really have to know the person well to grieve for them. 😅 And you don’t have to have the perfect words, just so you know. I appreciate you anyways, regardless of words. Love you too! =)

      Thanks! ❤️ Heh, yeah… It just would’ve been nice to have not struggling be a reality for once, ya know? *sigh* I will take your advice, though. You should too, don’t be an Alice (from Wonderland) XD
      Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️

      Thank you for the prayers and encouragement. =) I will have to remember that. ❤️

      Thank you! *virtual hugs back* Love you too. ❤️❤️❤️

      Thank you. =) ❤️

      Amen! Yeah, it’s something I know in my head but my heart doesn’t want to…I don’t know, believe it in the moment, if you know what I mean. Thanks! ❤️ Love you too. =)
      XD words are like that sometimes.

      Thank you. =) ❤️

    • Oh, I’m so sorry! My family will be praying!

    • You’ve been in my prayers, Gwyneth, even though I wasn’t on KP the last couple weeks and didn’t know you were going through this. Sending a hug!

      • *takes hug*
        I appreciate that. =)
        Yeah, I’m better now. =) At least about that. There’s something else that came up on Saturday but I’d rather not talk about it on here where the entire internet can see.
