
  • 80sTrish posted an update 2 years ago

    So, I try to write at least 100 words every day. Sometimes for my offcial WIP (that I’m trying to focus on…), sometimes other stuff. Just bounce stuff around in my head.
    That’s actually how I came up with my favorite character, Esia (my MC Jannira’s best friend). I was thinking about needing to write for that day, and wondering how I was going to get Jannira to The Dome, and Esia bounded out of the woodwork and handed her tickets.
    Anyway, this is what I wrote yesterday & today. It introduces a new character that I’m not totally sure about yet. His name is Deritt and he would be sort of a mentor, along with her combat instructor Naleen.

    Jannira rapped lightly on the door before poking her head into Deritt’s office. “It’s almost time to go on patrol.”
    Deritt looked up, smirking. “And you just can’t wait for your first time heading out?”
    “Well… I’m nervous. I mean, it’s my first time heading out on an actual patrol with an experienced officer.”
    “Experienced officer? You’re giving me far too much credit. And besides, I think you’ll find patrol isn’t quite as glamorous as you’ve imagined.”
    He seemed… tired. Looking around the room Jannira saw papers tacked up on a bulletin board, scattered across his desk, piled in chairs.
    She walked up to one of the bulletin boards. Tacked right in the center was a picture of a bank, with a strange loopy symbol spray-painted on the wall.
    It was in complete disarray – the vault door lay open, several of the windows were smashed, and the floor was strewn with glass and bits of wood.
    She felt a hand on her shoulder as Deritt pulled her away. “Come on, time for patrol. I thought you were eager to get going?”
    She shrugged free of his grasp and pointed at the photo. “What’s that?”
    Deritt looked back at the picture and scowled. “New case, bank robbery on 22nd. We think it was group of Smokes working together.”
