
  • freedomdreamer posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hey! I’m super new, but I really want to meet you guys!
    I write Medieval fantasy, but I also love writing encouraging posts on my blog Chosen For Christ! ( I’m working my way to 100 subscribers I’ve got 65 right now, and I started in June!

    • Hi freedomdreamer! Nice to meet you. =) I write fantasy (it’s got Medieval elements to it, but not strictly) too. Also if you don’t tag people like @freedomdreamer then very few people will find your message, just so you know. =)

    • @freedomdreamer
      Hello and welcome! I checked out your blog, super cool! I was greeted with some awesome posts and a advertisement for something rather awkward. 😂 Jk, I know you have no control over the adds that show XD. Looks like a awesome place.
      Medieval fantasy sounds super cool! I want my 2nd wip to be a bit medieval, but I have no clue what I’m doing and need some more research.
      Anyways, about me: I wright dystopian ya mostly, but have some ideas for other stuffs. I draw, speedcube, and play the clarinet sometimes.
      A random question for you:

      What is the theme of you wip?
      (It’s friendship and sacrifice for me! Oh, and overcoming depression.)

    • Hi, @freedomdreamer !!
      And like Gwyndalf said, more people will be able to meet you if you make a topic of it. But you do whatever! 😉
      I’m Esther: a volleyball-playing, violin-squeaking, dog-obsessed, homeschooled, God-loving, amateur writer!!
      My writing is all over the place: my WIP is ya dystopian, I have a put-on-hold-for-a-very-long-time fantasy duology, an idea for a hi-fic and a contemporary novel, and 2-4 biblical fiction ideas.
      When I get the chance, I’ll check out your blog! That’s awesome that you already have 65 subscribers!
      Medieval fantasy sounds really cool! Someday in the future, I may want to write a medieval fantasy epic just to say I did. XD
      Now for some newbie questions!!
      1. If you have a pet, what is it? If you don’t, what pet do you wish you could have? (Or if you don’t like the pet you have atm. Lol)
      2. Do you like huskies? (I am biased on this one…)
      3. What is your WIP about?
      4. Favorite author(s)?
      5. Pineapple on pizza?

      • @esther-c
        1. I have three cats, I love cats, no the icy kind, but cute adorable. I wish I had a horse/
        2. yes I do!
        3. it’s placed in the medieval age, a boy about 16 years old’s Uncle dies and he must go claim his father’s land (who is dead, and his mother disappeared when he was two) he meets two young half elf half human (but hey don’t know it) brother and sister who ran away, and they go on their journey together discovering who they are, and what risks they must take to save they’re country while overcoming fear, and being bold to fight int he battle, as they’re lives are at stake.
        4. J.R.R.Tolkien, S.D.Smith, N.D.Wilson, C.S.Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Caleb .E. King, and Benjamin Black (my brother)
        5. I actually don’t like pizza! Lol

        • @freedomdreamer
          1. That’s awesome! Dog’s are obviously my favorite. XD I really like cute cats too! But not the mean ones. No thank you. Only the nice ones. 🙂
          2. Good answer! 😉 Lol. We have a husky at home, so that is why I’m biased.
          3. That sounds really cool!! If you share any of it here on KP, be sure to take me! I love the theme!
          4. Oooh. Another LotR fan! We have a lot of those here on KP! I’ve watched the movies and also watched the Hobbit movies. I really enjoyed them!
          Lewis and Alcott are awesome authors as well! I’ve never heard of Caleb E. King. What did he write?
          Your brother’s a published author?! That’s so neat!
          5. *gasp* You don’t like pizza??
          *clears throat* It’s alright. Lol. 😁

          Nice to meet you and see ya around!!

    • Hello there! Because everyone’s asking questions, I’m going to ask some too.

      –Favorite movies/TV shows?
      –Ever written a fanfiction?
      –Opinions on reptiles?
      –What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

      I’ve got WEIRD ones, sheesh.

      • @keilah-h
        1. I don’t watch TV, so I have no idea, but the Lord of the Rings are one of my favorite movies!
        2. No, but I will be writing on of The Horse and His Boy
        3. Hmm, I don’t much like them.
        4. I have no idea, probably Curry Soup?
        It’s okay, I love out of the blue questions!

        • Cool! Yeah, I get it, it’s hard to find a good TV show these days.
          I like reptiles. Mostly dragons, but also lizards. There was a small lizard in my house this morning, and my brother and I kept trying to catch it so it wouldn’t get into our Legos! (We eventually grabbed it and took it outside.)
