
  • GodlyFantasy12 posted an update 2 years ago

    @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @esther-c @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @arien @sarafini @loopylin @theloonyone @felicity

    hey guys!! So I know I just started the truth or dare forum…but some stuff has happened in life and I’m not going to be on that forum any for…well…idk how long.

    I might not be on KP a ton, we’ll see, but needless to say some things are changing and I’m taking a break from some things and trying not to read certain stuff. If you wouldn’t tag me in your writings or in the T&D Forum I’d appreciate it BUT PLZ don’t feel u have to stop it on my account!

    I WILL still be on Character Castle so feel free to tag me there, but I wont probably be reading people’s WIPs. So, yea. I hope everyone is okay with this, love all of y’all!!
