Willow Woodrow posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for the welcome!
Here’s my stupidity, what is a WIP?
A major theme for me is definitely G/T (Giant and tiny) I love the dynamic.
Favorite character to write, I honestly don’t know. I’ll have to think on that.
Favorite books are definitely The door within by Wayne Thomas Batson.
My favorite animal is a hedgehog, my favorite plant/flower is a black rose.
Looking forward to seeing you around!
Thank you! I’m obsessed with the Mandalorian and little Grogu!
Sure thing! WIP stand for Work-In-Progress, in writing communities it refers to whatever story you are currently writing. You can have more than one WIP depending on how ambitious you are. It’s not stupidity! I’m about to ask a stupid question too! What do you mean by tiny and giant being a theme in your story? Like the character’s are either big or small?
Hedgehogs are great!
Also just a tip: Usually to reply to somebody you click “reply” on their post (top right of post), and then use their tag. That way it will show up in the “recent topics” part of kingdompen. This helps other people see it and chime in, and keeps the conversation all in one place. Also people will get notified as a reply and a mention, so greater chance of grabbing their attention.
Hope that helps! 😃
Oh WIP makes so much sense now lol and yes, G/T is basically just different sized characters. I love G/T, it’s so adorable. A lot of people actually don’t, and I get some pretty serious hateful comments. Not on here, but I haven’t actually shared much of my work anyway. Im afraid people won’t like it, and since I struggle so much with proper grammar Ive always held back. And thanks for the tip, I’m still figuring out how this all works. I’m not on my laptop very much due to me being gone all the time, so I use my phone for a lot of my writing and now Kingdom pen.
And yea, I have three WIP going on.
Do whatever works for you! That’s really interesting, I’ve never heard about G/t before. Is it like natural height difference, for instance one main character 5 feet tall the other 6 feet, or more like fantasy where there are people say two feet tall and 7 feet tall? Are they different types of people or races depending on height? Sorry for all the questions, I’m just really curious 😅. Sorry you’ve had hateful comments! You shouldn’t find any here 😃
I have grammar issues too sometimes, If you can write in word, it will provide corrections, but I know that is hard on a phone.
G/T writing varies, but my personal favorite is where one is about five to six feet tall and the other is three to four inches. No problem! I love answering these questions! I’m excited to be in this community, my friend told me about it ages ago. She said it was safe and Christian, so that stuck out to me. As for the grammar, I’m hoping I can improve. 🙂