
  • whaley posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Hello, world. I doubt anyone will see this post anyways, so here’s a brain dump-ish blurb for my next project! *Throws confetti*

    Axel has been a captive ever since he can remember. Forced to fight, gladiator style, for his giant master. The monsters of this world are clever with their hands, and will stop at nothing to upgrade humans. Axel’s master, Doug Ronan, is the cleverest of them all. And Axel might just owe Ronan his life.
    Desperate to uphold Ronan’s reputation, Axel gropes his way into the Metal City, where the arenas are stained with blood. Where the giants – and humans – are losing their minds to the darkness. Knowing he is loved.
    Or is he?

    Things, things, things… nigh about 5,000 words since last week, in between school. Really enjoying it 🙂

    • WHY does that sound SO AWESOME :0 I would love to hear more about it!!
      That sounds really interesting! It reminds me of a book I read that has a similar idea, but it’s about a dog who is captured and experimented on before being forced to fight in an arena against other biologically engineered animals, it’s based in a futuristic city.

      • Thank you! That does sound similar; what was the title? Now I’m curious XD

        • Ah, I can’t remember! I tried finding it by searching ‘dog with eagle wings book’ but, as you can imagine, that was no help XD

    • Hey thank you,so much!!! 😆 It’s super fun, and it’s been so long since I’ve tried hardcore fantasy, so, MaGiC SyStEm *oooo* Been working on that for a while.

    • Sure is 😀
      You do Historical Fiction most of the time, right? Have you ever tried mixing in magic?

    • I respect that a lot, actually. I myself have sorta higher standards for magic. I love certain fantasy books (Chronicles of Narnia, LotR, and Wingfeather Saga, respectively) but most magic systems are annoying, really. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sifted through library material, searching for good quality. It’s maddening. They don’t have that special charm, and just feel fake. Or like the magic system is the only reason the book was written in the first place, and the magic is focused on so much, that there’s no more room for wonder. And that’s part of the reason I’m trying to write this in the first place. 😂

      • I love how there are so many different ways to write for God. On the one hand, we can write clearly and openly for him, which makes the reader face the truth upfront, OR we can take a subtle tone of hope, which makes the reader question what’s really happening, and often surprises them emotionally. It’s just so cool. 😊
        Wow, my post is super slim 😂 Hopefully this is readable
