
  • Lydia S. posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hello, fellow Kapeefers! *waves awkwardly*
    So, I am actually still alive. I know that my past messaging history seems to indicate that I fell off the face of the planet, but I am still very much here. However, over the summer, I entered the world of adulthood and got a job. Between that and 4H, I haven’t had a whole lot of spare time for anything, even (*sniff*) writing. But, now that 4H is (mostly) done, I’m hopefully back for good!
    I’m so sorry I’ve missed all of your conversations, but if you’d like my feedback on any of the threads, just let me know. 🙂

    Now to tag a bunch of people…
    @godlyfantasy12 @joy-caroline @nova21 @not-so-secret-secret-assassin @mkfairygirl @faith-q @joelle-stone @elfwing @keilah-h @relia
