Oh, how the stones cried.
By Daisy Torres

Oh, how the stones cried,
watching Him fall.
Knowing His sacrifice,
was the greatest of all.
Piercing Him asunder,
blood through and through,
was the stick He created,
for me and for you.
Oh, how the cock crew,
For betrayal it knew.
Oh, let the cock crow
and its sorrow show.
Down, down, the sun fell.
Darkness was black,
For the sin of the world,
that was worn on Christ's back.
Up, up, the Son rose.
For Earth's chains could not last,
knowing that, even they, 
had been formed in the past.
Oh, hear the stones cry,
singing God's praise,
and the name that's proclaimed,
His people will raise.
"Come, come," cry the children,
who once had been lost.
recalling the darkness,
that then fell like frost.
"Our Father now waits,
with arms open wide.
His love is a river,
that never runs dry.
Hear His voice calling,
we hear it here.
Will you now decide?
For in His bright kingdom,
is the best riverside."

Daisy Torres
Daisy Torres is an avid tea-drinker, bookworm, Christian, and writer. When she's not working on her school (most of which she detests), she likes to pretend that she has a wide variety of choices ahead of her as a spy, pirate, ninja, or other cool-but-purely-fictitious-as-far-as-she's-concerned careers. She loves poetry, writing, painting, drawing, and pretty much art of any kind, but she is afraid of heights (hence why being a ninja or spy is out of the question) and does not envy ex-painters such as Leonardo DeVinci, whom his death she partially blames heights for. In place of becoming a ninja, pirate or spy, she writes stories about such characters and figures she will likely be something a little more boring, like a librarian, writer, flower shop owner, or kindergarden teacher.

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