Ladies and gentlemen, we have an announcement. 

*clears throat and unfurls scroll*

For the past few years, the Kingdom Pen YouTube Channel has been a bit, well, dormant. (In fact, we think a few cobwebs and tumbleweeds have collected over in that part of the Kingdom)

However, we are here to tell you that Kingdom Pen TV is coming back!

You read that right folks! 

Kingdom Pen will regularly post videos every Wednesday starting next week, on February 17, 2021.

Be looking forward to deep dives into your favorite books and movies, cameos of chocolate chip cookies, and lots of footage of Kathleen dropping books.  Oh yeah, and probably some writing advice too. 

Join Kathleen as she talks about lessons from popular books, famous authors, and maybe some from her own personal experience. 

Check out the channel trailer below!

In addition, Reagan and Haley will be posting regularly on their live show: The Creative Entrepreneur.

What kind of videos would you like to see on the Kingdom Pen YouTube Channel?

And, most importantly, are you as excited as we are?

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