Back before Kingdom Pen's hiatus, Kingdom Pen had a feature called: KP Critiques, where we would critique novel excerpts you send us and post them on the website. Well, we are bringing that feature back!

Get your story excerpt critiqued!

If you have a novel excerpt 800–3,000 words in length that you would like us to critique, email it to us at with the subject line, “KP Critiques,” and we’ll get to work on giving you feedback. We’ll then post the critique on our website for the benefit of others who may be struggling with the same mistakes in their writing.

What Will We Be Critiquing?

A few things we might critique are: 
  • Fix grammar and spelling errors
  • Point out common writing mistakes: telling instead of showing, info-dumping, weak words, inconsistency, etc.
  • Give feedback on style - is it readable and captivating? 
  • Give feedback on dialogue - is it strong and intriguing?
  • Give feedback on description - is it vivid and enough/too much? 
  • Give feedback on the excerpt as a whole
  • Comment on your strengths and what was great about the excerpt so you can keep up the good work!

Check out some of our previous KP Critiques to get an idea of what it will be like:

KP Critiques 3

KP Critiques 4

KP Critiques ​6

Getting critiqued may be terrifying at first, but it is one of the best ways to improve as a writer! We look forward to reading all your excerpts!
