Greetings Kingdom Pen community! I am here to inform you that we, the Kingdom Pen staff, have been keeping a secret from you. A good secret though, which some might call “a surprise”!
What exactly is the surprise we have for you? Well…you might remember that survey we ran awhile back about launching a radio show/podcast for Kingdom Pen. Your feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and so we have been working diligently to bring it to you, and now it is finally here! (almost)
Announcing Kingdom Pen Radio!
Thanks to the great work of Daniel Thompson, the host of Kingdom Pen Radio, we will begin releasing a new podcast episode every week through the Fall. Each episode will include a guest, many of whom are young Christian writers like yourselves. Others are professional writers you may have heard of, including but not limited to, Kerry Neitz, Bill Myers, Bryan Davis, and many more! Tons of writing wisdom and fun will be headed your way!
And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll definitely want to listen in because we will also be regularly giving away FREE STUFF on the podcast!
In conjunction with the launch of KPR, we will also be launching the Kingdom Pen Merch Store! From here, you’ll be able to buy awesome Kingdom Pen and writing related T-shirts and other merchandise to fuel your writing spirit!
The first episode will go live on the 17th! We can’t wait for you hear the fantastic shows we have cooked up for you, the first of which, is entitled, “The Ultimate Canadian Love Story.” Ladies and gents, you won’t want to miss this!
Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm!
Will the podcasts be posted here on Kingdom Pen itself?
Yes, absolutely. You’ll be able to listen to it right on the site. But also, for the sake of convenience (aren’t we nice? :P) the podcast will be available on iTunes.
Okay, thanks! (Yes, you are so nice— but I can’t properly appreciate it, because I’m not even sure I know what iTunes is). 😉 Thanks just the same. 🙂
Oh that definitely is nice! Thanks for all the hard work.
*cough* I mean, you’re welcome. 😛
There, there. I’m sure it felt good to get that out if your system. 😀
Now I just need to learn how to use podcasts on my iPhone…
Cool! I’ll add it to my other writing podcasts. This is a really great idea. 🙂
Love your picture btw, Daniel. 😛
Oh thank’ee. I quite like the picture too. 😛
But don’t worry about adding us to your list of other writing podcasts. This is the only podcast you will ever need ever again. XD
But actually, what other podcasts do you listen to? I’ve been meaning to listen to more. I’d listen to this one, of course, but as I’m the host, that just seems weird.
Well, actually, I only listen to one other one. But it has enough backlog to keep me in my room for the next year, so I have plenty to listen to. 😛 It’s “Helping Writers Become Authors” by KM Weiland… at least I think that’s how her last name is spelled…
Haha, yeah that would be a little weird. But at least you’d have the assurance of its awesomeness. 😉
Oh yeah! Weiland has good information; I read her book on outlining.
Our stuff is going to be just a bit . . . different from hers, I should think. *mysteriousness*
Yay! Awesome! 😀
I know, right? It’s pretty crakalakin. B|
Definitely crakalakin. B)
Oh, I am so excited for this! Thank you for providing such good quality, helpful tools for us writers. 🙂
We’re glad to hear it! Thank YOU for your support and encouragement!
– Reagan Ramm
Oh my goodness. My sister and I just listened to the podcast this morning and my stomach still hurts from laughing. XD Nice work, guys. I see you had fun with the sound effects, Daniel…
So, where can I sign up for Loot Crate? Have you contacted Tom Hiddleston yet for his upcoming role?
Oh, Loot Crate actually exists… I thought you guys made it up. XP