By KayleighAnne Stanton

“What is faith?” my teacher asked,

his brow furrowed in wonder.

He didn’t know how I stayed strong

while the world was pulled asunder.

I could have given him a simple answer,

but instead I did not.

For Christ is king and died for me—

and that He would have not.

So I looked at him and smiled,

and began at the place to start,

sharing a song from my very heart.

Faith is love,

the red rushing river.

It is the gold of the sunshine

and the wind of silver.

It is the feeling I get

when I care so much

I cannot contain it—

it is that rush.

It is that devotion,

that desire for more.

It is that eternal hope

on that eternal shore.

Faith is peace,

the eye of the storm.

The calm of the valley.

The halt of the war.

The quiet of the night,

and the wake of the dawn.

An undersea light,

that new friendship bond.

Faith is understanding,

a mutual need

when I know someone

and someone knows me.

It is that feeling

when you’re not alone.

For someone else is living

and breaking her own bones.

Faith is trust,

 that understood truth.

That credence of reality

of something brand new.

It is a mother to a daughter,

a father to a son.

A simple, tiny handshake

when a game is won.

When there is a winner

no one can deny,

let no anger hinder,

let no heart ask why.

Faith is hope,

that lifting of a heart.

That joy that comes tomorrow

when all falls apart.

It’s the ability to see

past the clouds in our view

and understand what will be

when we look to You.

Faith is God,

the Savior of the earth.

The King of Kings,

Creator of the universe.

He is sovereign

and understands our pain.

Through our darkest night,

He is guiding the way.

And that is what I told him.

That faith is not a word,

 it is an emotion.

So let my voice be heard.

I have this faith—

it makes me new.

And that, my friend,

is just the truth.

KayleighAnne E. StantonEver since the age of nine, KayleighAnne has loved writing, reading, and anything of that creative world. She has three younger sisters, an older brother, and one fat cat. She is a homeschooled Michigander and relies on God, her family, and friends. She loves reading and writing dystopian, romance, sci-fi, and adventure novels. A recent member of the YWW, she hopes to have her current dystopian novel traditionally published within her high-school “career.” You can check out her blog here:
