Hello Kingdom Pen!

With it being April, it time to officially announce our new writing theme for the month! Last month focused on Female Characters; this month, or focus will be the portrayal of Christianity in your story.TOM April Post Graphic

Just how should we go about depicting Christianity in our stories? What does writing for Christ actually mean? Is it okay to “preach”? Is it okay not to mention God at all in your story?

How to exactly portray Christianity, whether it be in books or movies, is something I believe Christians have struggled with. Braden Russell wrote a very good series on his blog discussing the problems with Christian films.

It seems too often story is sacrificed for a good message. While it may seem noble, we forget that great quality is just a part of God’s nature and truth as are moral statutes.

What are your thoughts? How should we got about portraying Christianity, or Christian morals, in a story? What should we include? What should we not include?

I think this is going to be an exciting month! As always, we still accept submissions on other topics during this month, and the themes are just meant to help our focus. This theme only applies to articles, and we still accept short story and poetry submissions on any topic, provided they fit with our guidelines.

We look forward to your submissions! Happy writing!
