Here it is! The announcement you’ve all been waiting for… This poem…just wow. It touched MacKenzie and I both on a deeper level. Which is why we picked it. As I was reading it a sense of wonderment and a worshipful spirit awakened and I felt drawn to my knees. Not only that, but the specific words used and double meanings laced throughout caused us to ponder as we read. When you can provoke that kind of reaction in a poem, you know you have written a great one! I am most certain that you will have a similar reaction as you read this poem.   poetrycontestwinnerpost

Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly pronounce that Aberdeen Livingstone’s poem, Weight of Glory won first place! 

Weight of Glory   cool wind like an old friend, new adventure, purls over me, sifts through my hair stars spear light aeons old, falling like a kiss, newborn to me leaves like paint chips dance downward to find a new belonging place (because this is not the end) trees, bereft, bare, but blooming with hidden life for yet another spring (because there is always a new beginning)  my little corner of the universe illuminated with so much glory— shoes off, knees down, bow in awe (because this burning bush is blinding) somewhere the sea roars its celestial praises, uncontainable joy in the fury somewhere the mountains murmur in the twilight of a King far loftier somewhere the desert stretches, speechless, smeared with glory but here too—even here—the majesty makes mute (because sometimes words are not enough)  glory like a shroud over all the land, woven into its very fabric, seething with lava at its core (because Immanuel is God with us)  sparkling with every grain of dirt, singing with every cricket chirp (with us) and I am unmade, remade by this weight of glory  
IMG_1950According to her brothers, the sound that characterizes Aberdeen Livingstone is clicking computer keys as she creates poems, novels, and short stories. A logophile and quote collector, Aberdeen loves reading an eclectic array of genres. She also enjoys traveling the world as a military kid, hanging out with her four younger siblings, listening to a variety of music from Handel to Hamilton, and pondering everything. A home-schooled junior, Aberdeen is full of dreams for her future, including plans to study graphic design or technical writing in college and schemes for world domination. Above all, Aberdeen is a redeemed daughter of the King. You can read more of her writing at A Glimpse of Starlight.