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  • #118054
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      @ava-blue @freedomwriter76 soooooooooo here it is XD

      A forum for us to actually write about or write out WIP AUs!!!

      Woop woop. This is such a fun idea honestly…like literal fanfic…of our WIPs…which is…pretty much already fanfics of our own minds…

      *I just blew ur minds right there XD*


      The two ideas I have rn are like the one VAGUE idea I had the other idea just cuz of a song of Ara being a villain.

      And the idea of like a University/Cafe AU cuz I LOVE THOSE (not to be confused with High School movies or tropes and such, I’m talking about in like fanfics, like the prep Academies and stuff when they put characters you already know and love in school settings and drama ensues ROFL XD) And I already have ideas involving Paxton and his horrid mother….

      Also it would totally be a magical school still in the fantasy world, so it could have a mix of modern and fantasy, that I’m not able to do in my current WIPs. Like “mirror texting” or something XD.

      This is so fun to think about.


      And obviously November is STILL crushing big time….


      My adorable bean. XD


      Ava Blue
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 222

        @godlyfantasy12 ooOOOHH? That sounds FUN.

        Thanks for starting this forum! okay I REALLY wanna show y’all my AU version of Muri so here she is!

        Sadly the photo quality is messed up so you can’t see the yellow outline and she looks way pale :'( but the coat is so purple, behold its majesty lol

        Have I mentioned that Muri’s real name is Muriel? I can’t remember. But yeah 😛

        I still have yet to assemble a crew for her, and as this is just an AU… GUYS. YOU could make up characters to be part of her crew 0.0 just an idea hehe

        Monsters creep
        In the silent dark-deep
        In the filling-eye hills
        In the shriveled hand-keep

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @ava-blue OOH NICE!! @freedomwriter76 SO I FOUND PHOTOS FOR MY CHARRIES IN THE ACADEMY AU!! I found them in Anime style (btw I don’t rlly watch anime except like Pokémon and such so ya 😂)


            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @freedomwriter76 @ava-blue heh…umm wanting in advance for my picture explosion XD…


            SO!! I am honestly stoked with the idea of a University/Academy/School AU (idk what to call it 🤣


            I’m thinking maybe Academy AU?

            So here’s what I’ve got.


            Its gonna be a modern setting, but…also fantasy?? XD. So like not in a place we know (so I don’t gotta be accurate bout nuthin cuz this is for fun.) but it’s modern, so there’s trains, cars, phones, coffee, etc.


            BUT, there’s also magic, creatures, all that jazz. So just meshing the two worlds, no questions asked, everyone’s good with it, it’s not even Earth really it’s just it’s own thing.




            SO YA! As for the name of the school…UHHH….

            No clue…XD

            Sigh… 🤦🏻‍♀️

            Destina Tasin Academy? (Play on words of something in my series and it just sounds cool lol)

            there. Done lol.


            now my CHARRIES


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              let us start with our heroine! My sweet sweet Arabella. Btw some of this ill be coming up with as I’m writing this post XD XD…

              OH but real quick, info on this academy i’m thinking of- 1, I’m thinking it kinda ranges between the ages of like 14-18 with the Younger ones (15 and 14) in separate classes from the older ones but then they’re together other times of the days.

              2, they have uniforms and such tho they are accessorized and worn differently or with accents, things like that. It’s not just insanely strict, (depends on who ya run into and who ya know.)

              OKIE NOW ONTO ARABELLA lol


              So, I imagine Arabella would be the Grade A+ student. Valedictorian if it’s a thing, perhaps borderline or just eventually obsessed with her grades? I honestly could see her get to that point, even if I just wanted to make things funny in this AU XD.

              She’s still making her way through school, your average “Girl against the world” trope, but honestly she’s doing pretty well and she’s gotten over most of the big hurdles already (imagine she’d already be in the middle of her character arc, were this my normal series).

              She’s a lot looser in this AU then she is in my series like she was as a child, and now that she’s older, she’s also a bit more awkward.

              Unlike my WIPs universe…Arabella REALIZES her own feelings for November, but is STILL TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS TO HIS FEELINGS FOR HER *AGGGGHHHHHHHH* *Throws chair.* So they’re both dancing around each other awkwardly about their feelings, as best friends to lovers do, while their friends watch on with popcorn in hand and shout from the middle section “JUST KISS ALREADY!”

              Ara loves to read, she’ll utterly get lost in her books. You can most often find her at the library, or nose in a book at the local cafe.



              OH MAN I’m loving this AU already because imagining a FLUSTERED ARABELLA AND A FLUSTERED NOVEMBER?!?!?!?!?!

              EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK OK OK….now for the pictures lol.


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                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    OK OK! SO….First off…

                    This is adorable btw….siiiiiggghh….

                    My dearest has what is called anisometropia in this AU. What this means is that he is both near-sighted AND far-sighted. One eye is near-sighted, one eye is far-sighted.

                    So he has contacts.

                    Though this doesn’t entirely help my clumsy little bean….XD He’s still pretty accident prone…but yea. One of the reasons I did this is because 1, it’s I knew I wanted to give him contacts because if he ever forgets them….I HAVE AN EXCUSE TO MAKE HIM WEAR GLASSES!!! AHHHHHHH!!!


                    2! Instead of having scars over his left eye, in this AU, his eyes just don’t have good vision, and that makes up for that, and I think it’s a good parallel.


                    ALSO…My November has a PUPPY!!!! An adorably fluffy Shiba Inu name KiKo!


                    Schoolwise, November isn’t exactly the most popular guy, and, he’d probably be messed with a lot more then he is if he didn’t have the friends he did. Though he still gets bullied and picked on pretty often, due to his sweet nature and magnetism for accidents. (Poor baby…)

                    But he’s also extremely loyal and won’t stand for anyone else being picked on. (IF ONLY YOU’D STAND UP FOR YOURSELF BOI!) *Ahem…*

                    November’s involved in the school’s horticultural program and enjoys learning about the different plants that grow around campus, as well as tending to them. Though he tries to keep this specific hobby a secret from him father, as he knows he wouldn’t appreciate it.

                    Which leads me into family life (WHICH I TOTALLY FORGOT FOR ARA) *Facepalm*

                    November lives with his single father, Riven, in a townhouse on the east side of the town. Ara’s the only one whose ever been to his house, and he doesn’t really invite people over. His friends know why, but they try not to bring it up.

                    In truth: his father’s a world class jerk.

                    But…November’s friends aren’t quite sure if November himself realizes this yet…or if he just thinks it’s normal….

                    (IT’S NOT NORMAL BABY…IT’S NOT…)



                    ALSO since I forgot Ara’s home life, here it is!


                    Ara lives with her mother, father and grandfather in an extremely large home not too far from the school. Her parents are both members of the Academy board, and her grandfather and grandmother were also Alumni-which explains some of her “grade obsession” of course. In her opinion, her family is completely perfect. Despite being what most folks would consider “Upper class” they still make time to do the normal things in life, like have breakfast and dinner together, cook meals, and just enjoy each others company. Though they could always hire others to do it for them, the family finds great pleasure in doing things themselves.

                    The only thing that might make her family just a little better, she thinks, would be someone to share her parent’s and grandfather’s love with.

                    But for now, she gets it all to herself.


                    AND NOW NOVEMBER PICTURES


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Feel like I’m totally spamming XD BUT OH WELL

                            NOW ONTO OUR FAVORITE PERFORMER!


                            AHHH! Jocelyn is just so much fun. She’s so lively and entertaining and like…how else is she supposed to be, even in another universe?

                            Like seriously.

                            So Jocelyn is definitely her same spunky, energetic, all smiles self. She works at the local cafe as head barista, and also has a growing social media following.


                            Of course.

                            You know she would (;

                            She’s always down for a selfie, constantly smiling and posing (she’s the type you can’t EVER catch in a bad photograph. Like…literally CANNOT. In the middle of eating? Nope. Still looks FABULOUS! Even got the duck lips! LIKE HOW GIRL, YOU JUST HAD YOUR FACE FULL OF SPAGHETTI!!)

                            She knows everything about everyone, but don’t worry, she’s not the kind to gossip (though she might spill a secret by total accident.) She’s loyal to her friends though and would NEVER hurt them.

                            But she definitely doesn’t mind teasing them!!!

                            And November and Arabella?

                            THEY ARE UP FOR GRABS!!

                            Her favorite game in fact is making the two of them turn redder then cherry tomatoes. And betting with her other friends on how long it’ll take til they become UNOBLIVIOUS TO EACH OTHER.

                            Yup, she’s quite the gambler.

                            But don’t let her smiles deceive you…Lynnie is also quite the trickster. She’s an acrobat, and a performer.

                            She knows how to put on a show, and leave you wondering “Wait, what just happened?” So don’t be surprised when she comes out the winner, and you’re left dumbstruck wondering how this naive looking blonde just duped you. She ain’t one to be messed with.


                            And especially if her brother’s around.

                            But I’ll get into that next…

                            And don’t mess with him either.

                            Unless you want to face Lyn’s wrath.

                            Just…don’t mess with either of them XD.


                            HOME LIIIIFFFEE!

                            Lyn lives in an apartment above the Cafe with her single father, Lander. She’s the caretaker of the family, caring for him and her brother, as her father isn’t entirely up to task, due to a terrible event that occurred years prior. But Lyn takes it in stride.

                            She also has a cousin and an estranged uncle but…

                            She doesn’t reach out to them much anymore.

                            Well, except her cousin. Occasionally…


                            AND NOW ONTO PICTURES!!!




                              • Rank: Chosen One
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