Would you like to become a part of our official KP Community?

You’ll get to participate in the forums, meet aspiring writers, and submit your own writing for peer critiques!

Watch the video to learn why so many young writers love our forum community. Then fill out the application below, and we’ll email you your password once we’ve created your account. We can’t wait for you to join us!

(Applicants must be 25 or younger to join the community; current members may stay in the community until they’re 30.)

[contact-form-7 id=”3982″ title=”Join Us Application”]


Still waiting to receive your login info? We know you’re excited to jump in and join the action here (we’re excited too!) but please be patient with us. You should receive word concerning your account within 4 days of signing up. If it’s been over 4 days and you haven’t gotten any email, check your spam folder (it’s been known to eat member account emails). After doing that, if you still can’t find the email, email our forum director and we’ll track down where the connection got lost in cyberspace.


