
  • Emma Flournoy posted an update 7 years ago

    @Christi-Eaton Hey, our baby came last night!! Abigail Julia Flournoy. She has lots of hair. 😀

    • @emma-flournoy Congratulations!!! *throws confetti* That’s so exciting! I was thinking about you guys just the other day. Thanks for letting me know! That’s such a sweet name too.

      • *hugs you* Thanks Christi. 🙂

        How’s your BatB play coming? Have you started practice yet?

        • Yes! We have had two rehearsals already. Our show is going to be over Memorial Day weekend so we don’t have nearly as much as we did for Les Mis. It’s turning into a fun show already, though. I’m enjoying myself and my role is quite fun.

          So besides Abigail coming and everything, what adventures have you been on lately?

          • Wonderful. 😀 Hope it all goes splendidly.

            Weeeelll…there’s a lot of me trying to stop being irritable and depressed with all the stuff I’m needing to do, and our current busyness, and headaches which so opportunely seem to have gotten worse lately and make it harder to do everything. I certainly DON’T begrudge Mom and Abigail’s time, but I’m having a hard time taking all the extra things to do in stride and staying happy about it. *ashamed eyes* Could you pray for me?

            That was revealing. *hides*

            Anyway…so there’s extra cabin and house work for all of us while Mom rests and takes care of Abigail (makes me realize so much more how we depend on our Supermom in regular daily life); and I THOUGHT I was mostly done with school, but have more reading and review left than I thought. So while we take a break from school for the next few weeks, I’m still going to be reading a rather large book on American government and economics, to see if I can get a lot of it done before we’re ‘officially’ doing school again and I need to continue math review and report writing as well. Also trying to read history books still, and I recently started reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time since I could really appreciate it. When I read it years ago I was too young and ‘ignorant’ to fully appreciate it. 😀 So I’m happy about that, though it’s not doing a ton of good yet since I hardly have time to read it. Have you read that?
            Aaaand I’m trying to slip in violin (and very rarely, piano) practice where I can, because I’m really trying to be more serious about getting better and actually progressing more with that.
            Also I’m at times beta-reading a book for @ Northerner, I recently started e-mailing with @ Ethryndal (she is so hilarious and nice!), and I still do get to have my daily conniptions over how good Kate’s WIP is. (It is SO GOOD.)
            I’m not doing too badly keeping up on computer ‘correspondence’…which could explain why I’m not having enough time for other things…but…*wry smile*

            Not ‘adventures’, exactly…more like adventures in a study of learning to be more patient and not get depressed when I can’t do all I need/want when I need/want. 😛 Which are necessary adventures, I do know. Thank you for asking. And for sticking around to read that stuff up there that looks remarkably like complaining. You’re such a sweet friend, Christi! Whenever I talk to you you just seem so big-sisterish and friendly.
            Have you finished up your online college courses yet? Have YOU had any remarkable adventures? Can I pray for you in any way besides about the play?
            I wish you could see Abigail. She’s SO cute.

            • First of all, @emma-flournoy I want to say that I appreciate you being open. I know how hard it is to be vulnerable, I’ve had to be open myself the other day, and I know it’s not easy. Second, I understand how you feel so well. Lately, I’ve struggled with depression myself, so I know how hard and frustrating life is. You definitely have a lot on your plate right now my little friend. (and to be honest I have never actually read the Lord of the Rings) (never had the time) Anyway, yes, love, I will pray for you. Life is always crazy and somewhat turbulent, but things usually end up okay, and I know the same thing will happen with you.

              Also, I’m going to give you a nickname. Sarah Spradlin is my big sister, and she gave me the nickname “Little Sister of Mine,” and now, as your big sister, I’m going to give you the same nickname. So, little sister of mine, now that I have officially adopted you as my own, you are free to tell me anything and everything. I will continue to pray for you.

              Now, as for my adventures, I haven’t really had any lately. I’ve got about five weeks of school left, but I took a test yesterday and thought I was totally unprepared and everything, and then I took it and aced it, so that is one exciting thing. I also started a keeping a journal, I’m approaching two weeks of having it, and it has been really good actually. Between that and poetry I find it is the best way to sort out my feelings.

              With that, I suppose I will close this message. Also, do you like getting mail? Because if you want, I can send you a letter or two because having pen pals is one of my favorite things. I can have Kate give me your address through Facebook and vice versa if you want.

              Also, you should have Kate send me some pics of Abigail through Facebook Messenger because I definitely want to see her.

    • @Christi-Eaton why do your responses always make me feel like crying happy tears?!
      Thank you so much for your sympathy and prayers! And really, I’d feel guilty about NOT being open. I don’t like being vulnerable, and it is hard to let people know sometimes, but I’d feel dishonest if I pretended all is fluff when it isn’t.

      I love that nickname! I’m sure Sarah is an awesome big sister, like you are. Thank you, Big Sister of Mine.

      Yay for the test you excelled at! I’m sure that was a very exciting realization.
      I journal too, though I’ve been slacking off lately. It is certainly good for thought sorting.

      I love receiving, and sending, mail. I could have Kate give addresses (and Abigail pics) through FB…probably not tonight, ’cause it’s late and all, but sometime in the next few days if I can. Or if you wanted, you could ask her about the address already. Whatever you like. I’m guessing you mean regular mail, snail mail?

      (Have you watched the LotR movies?)

      I hope you have an evening as incredible as you are, beautiful girl. 🙂

      • First of all, I have watched all the Lord of the Rings movies, multiple times. And please have Kate message me, I’d love to send you mail. I have a whole pile of stationary, and I believe some of it is just waiting for me to send it to you 😀

        Also, happy tears are the best kind of tears, so as long as I’m causing you to cry them instead of sad ones, we are all okay 😉 And, as your new Big sister, remember to never hide anything from me if you are hurting. I struggle with that myself, and I’m working on it. But, I’ve grown quite fond of my new little sister already, and nothing is going to change that. You’ll only get more love and mentoring for me, I promise.

        Anyway, I should probably go to bed. I’m completely worn out from the past several long days. I’ll talk to you soon, little sister of mine <3

        • Nice. The movies are still good as well.
          And so I will! (Well actually, she just told me you already asked and she sent it. So, there we are. :D)

          Yes, happy tears are a good feeling. We’re okay. 😉
          I am so very fond of my new big sister as well, and Christi, thank you so much for your kindness and mentorly-ness. <3
          Talk to you soon, and my heart will leap the day I get a missive from California. 🙂

          • @emma-flournoy

            I just got back from taking my dog for a walk and sending some mail on its way 😀 Welp, now I best get ready and be off to rehearsal!

            Talk to you later little sister of mine!

            • Eppi wanted to send her respects too, eh? 🙂 I’m looking forward!

              Hope your rehearsal goes well, big sister of mine.

            • @emma-flournoy
              Hey girly, how are you? I figured it’s been a little while so I should check in on you 😀 What are you up to? How’s life?

    • Hey @Christi-Eaton! <3
      Life's still hectic, but I've managed to be a little less…grumpy, with God's help. Tryin' to be cheerful, and stay cheerful, when there's so much to do…but I couldn't improve a bit without God's help. We've been staining one of our log cabins (you knew we have rental cabins, right?) for the last couple days, so that's taken quite a bit of time and work. It's almost finished though. (Whoo!)
      I'm still not able to read, and practice music, and other things, all I want/need to, but hopefully things will settle down soon.
      I have your wonderful letter, and am looking forward to replying sometime in the next few days. 😀
      How're you?

      • @emma-flournoy
        I’m glad you have managed to maintain a better attitude. I know it’s hard, sometimes I go through what I like to call my “dark moods, ” and I know the struggle of getting out of it, by the grace of God alone, I can tell you that much. Yes, I did know you rented cabins, and I’m glad to hear you are almost finished staining them! That must be a ton of work. I’ve been pretty well myself. Basically, I’m just plugging along with schoolwork, surviving on a lot of hot tea, trying not to forget to write in my journal which I’ve had for about three weeks now, and also not neglecting my KP social media duties, oh and making sure I have all of my lines memorized by Monday. So yeah, I’m as busy as ever 😀 But it’s really not too bad at all, and I’ve been very well actually. I’m so glad you got my letter, and I look forward to hearing back from you! I’m so excited!

        • Eh yes, “dark moods”. That describes mine well. *wry smile*

          Well I’m glad you’re well! Hope you remember those lines and survive with everything else, and here: *gives you more hot tea*
          I’m excited to reply to the letter. 😀
          Talk to ya later big sister of mine! <3

          • *happily takes the tea* Thanks, girly! I look forward to your reply. I shall talk to you later, love <3 I'm praying for you.

            • Thank you friend. 🙂

            • @emma-flournoy, Hello love, how are you? I’m just checking in on you as always 🙂

            • @emma-flournoy
              Your letter literally just came in the mail!!! *runs off to read it*

            • @Christi-Eaton *grins much*

              Well, I’m pretty much the same as I was when I wrote the letter (you’re going to start thinking I’m depressed all the time :P) …quite bogged down and headaches not helping. I did finish a book I was reading today though, so that’s good. The little things count. Even if I’ll need time for reading the next in line now. 😛 And every couple days I’m able to pull up a good mood for a bit, better than just plodding along; trying not to make anyone else share in the gloom, ya know. Of course I like being in a happy mood better; that’s one of my favorite things! But sometimes I just can’t manage it. Thanks for checking in, sweet sister, and hopefully sometime soon I’ll have something better to tell you. 😛

              How are you doing?

            • @emma-flournoy
              *big sigh*
              Yeah, I understand what that’s like to be okay and then not and then about the same for a long time, I’ve been like that myself, though I rarely talk about it to anyone. Normally, when someone asks me how I am, I reply with a two word lie “I’m fine.” So I won’t lie to you. But honestly, I hope I don’t sound as horribly gloomy as I feel but just getting through today has been a major struggle. To quote a short line from a For King and Country song, “I’ve got a busted heart.” There is a whole lot of hurt and brokenness around me, and I can’t do anything. So I’ve actually fallen back into a major bout of depression which I though I had overcome but apparently not. Please pray for me. And don’t worry little sister of mine, big sisters have struggles too. *gives you a really big bear hug*

    • @Christi-Eaton Awww you are so SWEET!
      I will absolutely be praying for you. Busted hearts are no good. 🙁 🙁
      *gives really big bear hug back*
      I hope your day tomorrow is amazing. <3

      • @emma-flournoy
        Thank you, love <3 I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow too, I also already got your letter written today…(I shamefully ignored most of my other duties today because I just didn't have the heart to get anything done) But your letter was written so I'll probably get it mailed tomorrow. 😀 It was a happy distraction this afternoon. 🙂

        • Aw, thanks. <3
          I really hope you're feeling your go-out-and-conquer charismatic ESTJ self soon. It's so much easier to do life when you're actually feeling enthusiastic, not just pretending on the outside. 😛
          Love you Christi.

          • @emma-flournoy
            Well, today is a new day and I am feeling much better. Last night my big sister, Sarah, was able to Skype me which we hadn’t done in a long time and we just chatted for just under and hour and a half. It was really good and I slept super well which is something that also hasn’t been happening a lot lately. So I’m going to pump out a ton of school and probably reward myself later by going to the park with a few friends. (and I need to mail your letter, which I can’t wait for you to get because the envelope looks super pretty actually 😀 ) I hope your day is absolutely wonderful girly! Go conquer the world and move your mountains <3

          • @Christi-Eaton Well if anyone can cheer people up, it’s Sarah. 😀
            I’m so glad you slept well and are feeling better, and good luck with all your school! I can’t wait to get the letter either. 😉
            Thank you so much! <3

            • @emma-flournoy
              You are so right 😀
              I got a ton of schoolwork done and got back from the park a little bit ago. I also mailed letters so I’ve been having a much better day, how about yourself? How are you doing today?

            • @Christi-Eaton Yay!! That’s wonderful.
              My day hasn’t been too bad. I went listening for turkeys early this morning with my dad and sister Elizabeth, and tomorrow I’m turkey hunting.
              My head’s not been too bad today, and it wasn’t hot today ( 😛 heat never helps), and though I haven’t had time for a ton of stuff I’ve generally had a decent day. 😀

            • @emma-flournoy Wow, turkey hunting, sounds fun! I’m glad it wasn’t hot for you there, (it was about 90 here today) Well, I know you went to bed a long time ago but I think I’m going to roll off to bed a little early (its 9:30 here) I have rehearsal and a birthday party so I won’t be around and I’m sure with all your turkey hunting you won’t be either. But goodnight, love. I’ll talk to you again soon. 😀

    • @Christi-Eaton Well, we didn’t get anything. The turkeys decided to be mostly quiet this morning, so we couldn’t find ’em well. But I DID have a good time listening to a bunch of country music with my dad and brother William as we drove. 😀 So not quite a morning wasted.

      Hope ya had a good rehearsal and party. 🙂

      • Ah, bummer about not getting anything, I’m glad you still had a fun day, mine was fairly decent. A lot of things happening. I’m so tired. It’s been a really long day between rehearsals and parties and other things so I am simply wrecked.

        • Hope you’re feeling better now. I got your lovely letter today. 🙂

          • @emma-flournoy
            I’m so glad it came! I enjoyed writing it. That alone made me feel better that day. Plus that piece of scrapbook paper was just begging to be an envelope <3 And yes, I am feeling better, I'm so darn close to being done with school! I'm ready for Summer. How was your day girly?

            • I love homemade envelopes. 😀

              Not too bad…we went to a funeral today, the funeral of that Mrs. Keusal who I’ve talked about some on the Prayer Request topic, if you’ve seen. It was sad, but good too. She’s resting in the arms of Jesus safe from all troubles now.
              And then we had a bit of fellowship afterwards, with a potluck lunch. There were many other families…we don’t know most of them that well, but we were able to talk to Daeus and his family some. 😀 We bump into them occasionally at the homeschool gatherings-of-sorts we can rarely go to. We don’t know their family very well, but I always love it when we show up in the same place and can talk some. He has an awesome family.

            • Ah, yeah someone in my church totally unexpectedly just passed away so I know what that feels like. That’s cool that you get to see the Lamb family! No one here at KP lives anywhere near me, not even within a few hours, (with the exception of Joy Mastron and Anne Swiftblade (her real name is Sarah van den Ham) because they are long time friends of mine and they go to the same church as me and I dragged them onto the forum in the first place 😀 )

            • Oh well. 😀 At least there’s still the Internet.
