
  • Amanda Fischer posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    @sarah-h I just noticed your profile picture is a bluebird. This is really interesting because in one of my WIPs, the main character’s name is Sarah and a bluebird has to do with the story. 🙂

    • That’s neat! 🙂 What is your story about?

      • It’s a girl who loves singing, but suffers vocal cord paralysis and has to spend a couple weeks in silence and then months more without singing. She has to find something else to do with herself while facing the fear that she may never sing again.

        I guess that’s kind of the messy simple version of it. 🙂

        • That sounds interesting. What does she decide to do?

          • Hehe, that’s a good question and one I’m still working on, but basically, a friend challenged her to learn to use her “voice” other ways–and to focus on others’ joy rather than her own. So she’s helping her brother with an invention, learned something new about her grandmother, and I’m not sure what else yet…but that’s what I’m working on plotting! 🙂

            Also, the bluebird just shows up every now and then and is more of a symbol. But still, weird how you have the same name as my MC…
