Broken Face

Broken Face

A poem depicting our freedom and life in ChristBy Carolyn Garner – Eyes of fire Mouth that hates Tongue that scorns Heart that lies – Shoves out thought That torments soul Kills the hope Of ones who mourn  – Buries love To help forget Pain it caused...

A Storyteller

It can often feel lonely being a writer, especially a Christian writer, but you are not alone.  By Alexander Weeks Are you a storyteller? Can you think of anything But telling stories? Can you dream of anything But telling stories? Do you look at the world And see its...

Code Of Honor

We are all warriors. By Sarah Spradlin A warrior is not felled by one wound. A warrior is not swayed by offers of evil. A warrior is not given in to the pedestals of pride. A warrior is a guardian of the weak and of the hopeless. A warrior is a flint among the...

War What War

 A poem reminding us that often our greatest enemy is ourselves. By Alexander Weeks- I have been gone at war. In truth I still am at war. And have been for too long. A war with myself, My mind, body, and soul. Who will win, Me or my foe? For my foe goes on unnamed....

Breaking The Mold

Making your characters their own people.  By Eric Johnson Developing characters is one of the most important things you can do—for any story. This is perhaps one of the most exciting parts of the pre-production phase; the process is easy for some writers...